Cancel Your Appointment

Cancel through the NHS App

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please give us as much notice as possible so that your appointment can be offered to someone else.


NHS App image

GP appointment? Don't need it? Cancel it!

Please notify the Practice as soon as you know that you are unable to attend the appointment. You can do so by either:

  • Calling the surgery between 0800-1830 to cancel the apointment. Please ring as early as possible, as the appointment can then be offered to another patient.
  • Text service which reminds you of the appointment and allows you to cancel if you do not wish to keep the appointment by texting the word ‘CANCEL’ back. This will automatically cancel the appointment.
  • Patient Access allows you to cancel without contacting the practice. Patients registered to use the online services only.
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An Alzheimer's Society initiative
Veteran Friendly Armed Forces veteran
friendly accredited
GP practice
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