Carer Identification and Referral

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Here at the surgery we keep a register of all our patients who are caring for others. The register helps us to recognise your needs as a carer and provide you with further information and support.

Please complete the following form to register as a carer:

Carer Details

Please note all fields marked with a * are mandatory for your registration

Title: *
Details of Person Being Cared For
Title: *
Further Details
Additional Consent
I wish to be added to Worthing Medical Groups Carers register: *
I wish to be referred to Carers Support West Sussex and am happy for Carers Support West Sussex to contact me: *
I would like to be invited to all Carers events in the surgery: *
Person Being Cared For Consent
I consent to information about my health being discussed with the person named on this form as my carer: *
I consent to my named carer being recorded on my medical records and that this person may request and/or collect my repeat prescriptions and test results: *

Privacy Consent


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If the error persists please contact us.

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