Zero Tolerance Policy



Policy Statement 
Our policy ensures that all staff members are treated with dignity and respect at all times. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive work environment where staff can perform their duties free from the threat of verbal or physical abuse. Any form of violent or threatening behaviour is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate removal from our practice.



Zero Tolerance
In situations where violence is not used, but inappropriate behaviour or language has, the staff member must send a report to the Zero Tolerance Team with as much information as possible about the incident. 

The Patient Services Manager will then decide based on recent communications, this incident and any medical issues whether a behaviour warning letter would be required. 

What will happen violent and or aggression is encountered
If someone is behaving aggressively or violently, a staff member should calmly ask them to stop. If the behaviour continues, the staff member will call their line manager to the scene. 

If the person is acting unlawfully, causing damage, or physically attacking someone, the police will be contacted immediately.

It is the practice's policy to press charges against anyone who damages or steals property or assaults staff, visitors, or patients.


Removal of patients due to behaviour

When a removal may be required

  • Unacceptable violence or aggression, either physical or verbal, towards a member of staff or a member of the public.
  • Consistent non-attendance – where a patient is not engaging well 
  • Patients who move outside of the practice boundary
  • Patients in whom the doctor/patient relationship has broken down irretrievably
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